Angelina Jolie has a funny face

17 Feb

I watched the film “The Tourist” the other day with my boyfriend, who basically drooled over Angelina for the entire movie and I had to admit that Angelina Jolie is a very attractive woman.  BUT she has a funny face, it’s sort of masculine and she’s sort of ugly too.  I couldn’t stop looking at her, wondering what it is about her that makes her so attractive to men and then it hit me, bang!  She has confidence.

She exudes confidence.  As if she has just decided to KNOW that she is attractive.  No doubts, no questions, no fears – she has just decided that she is attractive.  She emanates confidence.  And I got to wondering what she would look like if she had a different attitude; if she was insecure about her looks and rather that strutting, as she does, she shuffled along with her head held down, feeling uncomfortable about her face and her rather large lips.

I know she’s beautiful and I know she’s attractive but at the same time she has a funny face and she could so easily just look plain odd, if she had a different attitude.  But she doesn’t feel insecure about herself – that’s obvious.  She lives and breathes Angelina.  She is not afraid to be herself and be herself, and then some.  She’s stepped into her own shoes, she’s stepped into her power and she walks.

Can you imagine Angelina looking at other women and feeling insecure about herself, like so many of us women do? I can’t.  Can you imagine Angelina trying to look like or be like someone else?  I can’t.  She has just decided to be Angelina.  All Angelina and truly love herself and KNOW that she is beautiful.

I think she is great and just by being herself, she offers a valuable lesson to all women (and men) about the power of simply loving and accepting yourself for who YOU are and just being that.  Just radiating that – who YOU are.

4 Responses to “Angelina Jolie has a funny face”

  1. mr man February 17, 2011 at 1:31 pm #

    what are you talking about??? why are you complicating things?

    she is fit. the end.

    • JOY February 17, 2011 at 2:38 pm #

      A huge part of Angelina’s charm is her confidence and self-assurance. And yes, you’re right, she is fit 🙂

  2. Jody Endersbe- Groebner February 18, 2011 at 8:36 pm #

    You are so right! I’ve looked at other actress’ like that as well, I could list off at least a dozen off the top of my head. Having a confident love filled soul makes all the difference in the world. Beauty truly does come from the spirit! Great Post! ❤

  3. JOY February 19, 2011 at 12:51 pm #

    Hiya Jody 🙂 It really does make a HUGE difference, doesn’t it? How we feel about ourselves teaches others how to feel about us…

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