Tag Archives: too much

Red Pill or Blue Pill? The never ending rabbit hole…

24 Jun

I was never sure which pill meant what.  Was it the red pill that meant accepting that everything was ordinary and okay?  Or the blue pill?  Or did the red pill mean that there is a major conspiracy going on, involving the enslavement of human beings?  Or was that the blue pill?  Confused?  I think you are meant to be.

Either way, taking one of them meant questioning nothing and the other meant questioning everything and I mean everything.  One of the pills, red or blue, does is really matter, meant going down a very deep and very long rabbit hole.

Now, I don’t think there is anything wrong with thinking.  I applaud it.  We have brains to think, so I admire anyone that does exercise their brain cells because there are quite a lot of people that don’t like to think and that like to take everything on someone else’s say so.  In the wrong hands, that kind of attitude can be very dangerous.  History has taught us that people don’t always tell the truth.  Ask anyone that lived in Nazi Germany and fell for Hitler’s creation of an Aryan history.

But once you start travelling down the rabbit hole, what you find is that it never ends.  And at some point it branches off in multiple directions.  And each of those multiple directions, will take you in another set of multiple directions.  If for example, you like the ‘teachings’ of David Icke and feel that he is speaking the ‘truth’, you will at some point bump into other people who think he is a liar, a fake, and even, shock horror, a free mason.  So who do you believe?  Mr Icke?  Or perhaps Alex Jones?  Or perhaps Bill Cooper?  Or what about Jordan Maxwell?  Or what about Project Camelot?  Or or or…

Every one of these people has had doubt cast on them or has cast doubt on others.  The elusive ‘truth’ has just got even ‘elusiver’.  How much time have you got in this lifetime?  How many rabbit holes are you going to travel down?  And how do you decide which is the ‘right’ rabbit hole?  The ‘true’ rabbit hole?  And, do you really want to spend the rest of your life down rabbit holes?  Have you got fed up with being out in the sunshine?

Recently, there was a little outburst from a man on youtube who claimed to have evidence showing that David Icke is a free mason.  Without getting caught up in the tos and fros of whether he is right or not, what this video shows – to me – is a mind getting caught up in the drama.  Evidence is given to back up the claim, which to my mind is shaky at best, but what do I know?  Mr Icke might be a free mason, he might not be but it is the intrigue and the mystery and the chase and the clues and the… you know… the just want to get to the bottom of it pursuit of it all, that I see.

Our minds love to think.  They love a challenge.  They love a mystery.  They like to be challenged or entertained.  Buddhists refer to our mind as the ‘monkey mind’ because it gets itself up to mischief all the time.  It jumps around and goes off on chases and invents things and jumps to conclusions and performs all sorts of whirls and gigs.  Its very noisy in there.  Anyone that has even tried to meditate for just five minutes will know that those thoughts just don’t stop coming.

And I can’t help but think, that all of this red pill and blue pill malarky is at some level just distraction.  It’s keeping minds locked in and entertained, off following wild gooses into strange and wonderful rabbit holes.  Maybe if we pulled back from listening to all these ‘experts’ who may or may not be telling the truth, we might be able to hear our own wisdom.  But how can you hear your own ‘truth’ when you’ve got the radio playing at full blast?

And so it goes on:  His truth is a lie. And her truth is a lie.  And his truth is more truthful  than her truth, because of an entry of wikipedia or some other dubious blog site that could’ve been put up yesterday in less than an hour.  And we are asked to accept that as evidence.  And well you know, he did THAT handshake and erm…how else do you handshake?

I love Charlie Vietch’s new video “The exposing of Charlie Vietch by Charlie Vietch” because he shows brilliantly just how much crap and nonsense you can make out of anything, if you really want to make something out of nothing.

I’m not saying who is right or who is wrong.  But what I am questioning is how many rabbit holes do you go down?  How many hours are you willing to spend chasing ‘the truth’ when the more you look, the foggier it gets?  And is this the idea of it all?  To keep people so engaged and distracted that they can’t see the woods for the trees?

Our schooling system often teaches us to accept the word of another as the authority.  But history books can be wrong.  And we can be wrong too.  But maybe we know much more than we give ourselves credit for.  Maybe we ought start listening to ourselves more and others less.  And maybe the question shouldn’t be so much what has happened, or what is happening but what to do about it instead.  I mean, a problem is a problem, no matter what way you look at it.  And you can look at it as long as you like, but it doesn’t change anything.  But thinking about solutions does change things.