Tag Archives: opinions

What other people think of you is none of your business

15 Jun

Does what other people think of you stop you from doing what you want?  Or being who you want to be?

How many people are there on this planet?  Imagine what it would be like in your head, to take into account all of their opinions of you?  Noisey!

Do you really have time to worry about what someone’s opinion is of you?

Does it really matter what they think of you?

Isn’t it more important, what you think about yourself?

Sometimes, when I take a drive, I like to play music.  And loving music as I do, I like to have a little boogie as I drive.  I do love music, it brings me joy and I kind of forget to remember that I’m out in public and other people can see me dancing away.

Sometimes, as I look out the window, I catch a look from someone as they’ve noticed me dancing (I do tend to play the music quite loud!).  Sometimes, I catch a look of disgust, as if they are thinking, “What are they so happy about?  Life is meant to be serious,” and at other times, I see someone laughing at me and it’s nice.  It’s nice to know that my joy, my silliness has brought a smile to someone else’s face.

So whatever I do, or whatever you do – it’s pretty certain that someone else will have an opinion about it.  But does it really matter?  As long as you are not hurting anyone, why should having fun, being yourself be a sin?

Be you, enjoy yourself, spread joy in your life because as that saying goes: those that mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind 🙂 .